Quick Update

I'm gonna start using this devlog more often to talk about my progress on Micro

Here's what new about version 1.1.1:
> Logic chips now display their symbol and name on the casing;
> Added Seven Segment Display;
> Added Rom Reader and Writer;
> Added support for 32 bit signals;
> Added Options menu for changing some colors;
> Fixed file explored window putting '/' in front of the path, that caused trouble in some cases. Also hard-coded a workaround to try loading the path removing the leading '/' if it can;
> Fixed Importer crash;
> Fixed KeyboardInput Chip crashing after being deleted;
> Fixed some crashes that happened when loading invalid chips;
> Fixed crash when trying to delete bus tail.

And my plans for future updates:

Challenges: Scenarios for the player to make designs that fulfil a specific function, which was my plan from the very beginning,

Manual: How to use Micro. I kinda started doing that already with some components, but it is not in the format I want it yet.

Tutorial: An introduction to Micro and how to make your first chip design.

New Chips: A buffer chip for example, that I will probably need for my CPU design.

Better UI: A long way coming since most of the menus in Micro are really bad...

More customization options for the editor and such.

Facilitation for modding: Micro was built with user modding in mind, you can already write your own script chip and use it in the simulator, but you would have to know GdScript for the Godot 3.5, and know how to use the API of the simulator to do it. Also, after doing that, you'd have to import the chip manually by modifying a .chip save file. The code is open-source and you could probably figure it out by example, but it's a hell of a lot of work for very little gain. I want to change that, and make modding as pain-free as possible.


Linux_v1_1_1.tar.gz 16 MB
Mar 02, 2023
Windows_v1_1_1.zip 14 MB
Mar 02, 2023

Get Micro - the Digital System Simulator

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